Henry J Script

Henry J Restoration - Step 9
Separate Body from frame & Strip Paint

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It is now time to lift the body off of the frame.  Our plan is to use two chain hoists suspended from two very large wooden beams.  Raising the body high enough off of the frame so the frame can be rolled out from underneath it.
If you have checked out the Reference Material on this site, you may have browse through the Henry J Service Standards manual posted for you in the Manuals section.  A 1953 Henry J Corsair Deluxe with everything on it weighs 2445 lbs.  Considering the engine, sheet metal and the interior have all been removed, and that we are only lifting the body - not the frame - two 3/4 ton chain hoists sharing the load should be more than adequate.
Careful once again to document all bolts, shims so you can get them back into their original locations.
Bill's book describes various methods of removing the paint for your car.  We have opted for the abrasive blasting method using plastic beads trying to minimize metal damage.
It is our intent to repair the dent in the roof at this time.
Once all the paint is gone we will be coating the bottom with POR-15, and the bare sheet metal will be primed with a rust-resistant etching base primer.
Disassembly Journal
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